NEW MOON at 04°22′ AQUARIUS: A New Hope

[pic: igor morski]

It has been a tense few months and the eclipses have not quite allowed us to see the road ahead clearly and unimpeded. Then Saturn/Pluto came along and cast its shadow over 2020, as if to threaten us to change or face dire consequences for our ignorance and complacency.

Whilst the alarm bells are ringing, many are still confused, uncertain where to go and what to do. As I described in our last newsletter, the continuing soul-shattering effects of the Uranus/Neptune means that many are barely scraping through – mainly through finding some means by which to adhere to some distortion or delusion of the truth. There’s a reason for all this dissociation and detachment, but one must stay present, lucid, and aligned within their centre to receive true guidance. Nothing out there will ever give us true bearings since it all seems shaky, ready to collapse. Unless you look up…

In the dark of the moon, there’s no real way of knowing where you’re going. But then, you’re probably used to that by now. After all, it’s only when the vision ahead is shrouded in darkness, your mind steeped in mystery about what’s going to happen that you’re forced to change the way we look at things. On this darkest of nights, if you look up to the skies you will see a million stars…

For you, who believes that the fantasy and imagination is more compelling than facts and science; that myth and magic are mightier than history and hearsay; that dreams and visions more compelling than laws and constitutions; that laughter and madness is the only cure for grief and misery, then this New Moon presents you with a new prayer, a new promise, a new hope of seeing above and beyond this impossibly high wall of limitations.

New Moon precise on Friday, Jan 24  2020, 21:43 UTC

If you believe in the power of ritual to mark a special event, then this New Moon presents you with a divine opportunity to see the shimmering jewels and treasures of infinite abundance into your life. Just like the myriad of stars up in the night canopy, the skies are filled with choices:

What is it that you want most in your life? Better health, improved self-image, more money, a brilliant mind, greater communication skills, better job or career prospects, a new relationship, a dream holiday, to resolve some nagging problem in your life, a spiritual awakening, a world of universal abundance, a more peaceful world?

Attaining any of this starts with you setting a strong, pure intention. If you can dream it in the higher dimensions, and you can visualise its potential in the not-too-distant here/now – if you can see it and feel your vision as a real possibility for you in this life, then you can surely manifest your vision here, in your 3D experience of ‘reality’.

But you must let go of the inner negativity and fear. Much is changing, allowing you to see that you have less and less to lose. A certain level of detachment is needed to see the freedom of your choices. A certain level of darkness is necessary to see the stars. One of those stars presents a special gift for you. Open up your heart and mind and be ready to receive.

This lunation is a perfect time to remedy and realign any broken-down mental and emotional pathways. Solar and Lunar energies combine at New Moon, merging within your conscious mind☉ with the unconscious emotions ☽ embedded in your body.

In the link below, I have prepared a special empowering message for each zodiac sign, delineating what this New Moon holds in store for you. I have also crafted a special set of intentions providing a powerful method or tool by which you can consciously repair, rebuild or start afresh with any new objectives.

In a world shrouded by darkness, peril and confusion about what lies ahead, it is time that we looked up to the skies for a new hope. The stars have never lied to us. They have not ever let us down. Use their light to navigate your way.

Blessings, and may you have an amazing New Moon xx