Saturn has the effect of forcing us to come to realistic terms with strengths and weaknesses in a particular area of our lives. By applying his real, unavoidable pressure, the Gatekeeper of our physical, 3D reality, helps us see exactly where we tend to waste time, energy, and money. Through a series of frustrating trials, delays and psychological fears, Saturn makes sure we learn how best to maximise economy of thought, motion, and resources; make the most out of what we have, and quit groping for the things we can't afford to keep. Saturn transits are no-nonsense periods in our lives, where nobody's amused by our foolishness or our efforts to avoid the obvious. When pertinent lessons are studied, learned and taken on board, enormous gains can be achieved, even (and especially) under the hardest transits. But woe betide, should Saturn's lessons be ignored: Then 'karmic difficulties' will amass, and like a landslide, only to reign down upon us further down the line - only those lessons will seem harder to manage, and consequences of not being prepared feel more severe. Saturn can show you how your imaginative and creative visions, when put into a proper business structure, can work out best for you. Can you present your most enterprising ideas as a viable business model? What do you have of substance that you can you put into the business world that could improve your economic situation, advance your social status? What can you trade to make a name for yourself, and where do you fear to put yourself out there? What needs more work in order to improve? How do the psychological limitations of this world play havoc on your fear-based mind, posing a threat or danger that will either hold you down, or cause your career setbacks due to inertia? What must you do to build greater momentum, display more discipline and maturity in this society? You can't avoid the responsibilities that this world thrusts at you right now. You just know, that great rewards will come if you can rise to the occasion and meet them with a sense of duty and determination. The aim is to walk away from the task with your head held high. If you should fail to step up to the plate you risk become weaker; more disrespected as a person, parent, citizen; less able to prevent yourself from falling into future hardship and despair. Those are the law of karma. Observe now which specific areas of your life, now impacted by Saturn's epic pass through Capricorn, are calling you to step up and show the world some seniority and capability. Do you have what it takes to stand tall, or will you topple under the pressure? © All rights reserved, Ang Stoic Find out in detail how Saturn plays out for you through Capricorn: Tribe Members: login to read your full message for each sign at the links below. Aries/Aries Rising Taurus/Taurus Rising Gemini/Gemini Rising Cancer/Cancer Rising Leo/Leo Rising Virgo/Virgo Rising Libra/Libra Rising Scorpio/Scorpio Rising Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising Capricorn/Capricorn Rising Aquarius/Aquarius Rising Pisces/Pisces Rising Not a member yet? Click here to find out how you can become a member or to purchase these horoscopes and articles. Extended, in-depth article on Saturn in Capricorn for the Cosmic Tribe...... Want to get the most out of your own personal journey? Whether you are transiting through a difficult period, or simply wish to enhance your life with deeper meaning, a lifetime reading with Ang provides you with a blueprint on how to best navigate through your epic journey towards self-realisation and reaching utmost contentment. Gain an extraordinary level of personal insight into your world in just one 80-minute session.To book an appointment with Ang (via Skype) click here…