
The Jupiter and Uranus opposition will separate for a little while as Jupiter (now in retrograde) helps us to reflect on just how flimsy and unsatisfactory our views and opinions have become in providing any explanation on what is going on in our world.

They will come into opposition one last time towards the end of September for one last showdown. In that event, the shock factor of Uranus will have become….rarified and diffused after a 2-month semi-square to Neptune. For us, by this time, we would have finally come to learn that all opinions are not equal. Whilst some are just made of pure nonsense and incomplete or false information, some are a great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument. All nonsense will eventually melt away, as we come to universally align to a more collective dream for mother earth.

Yes, it seems that to spite all of our cleverness, our earth herself has got a thing or two to say. If we observe closely, we will see that our home planet is not happy. Not its inhabitants, mind you. We mean the earth herself. These ♃/ ♅/ ♇ energies passing through it are impacting our planet all the way to its core.


Now, since MERCURY conjuncted the SUN at 16°♓ 37′ (Tuesday), a new vibration of light consciousness is being activated and now made available in the way we will communicate. The way in which we initially receive it could be confusing, disorienting and leave us a little drained. Also, observe the increased activity in your dream life.

MERCURY’s quincunx to JUPITER (Thursday) only highlights how disparate the rational mind has become with existing beliefs that fail to provide any account of the strange happenings in the bigger picture.

MERC’s conjunction to CHIRON (Saturday) finally calibrates the mind to attune into those messages that actually facilitate our transition away from lower or stagnant thought patterns.

Hence this post ♃ ☍ ♅ shift is truly quaking us into a new level of thinking. Do you notice the entire planet recalibrating since last Friday?

Something truly divine is occurring to those open to more subtle streams of lightwaves. The MERC/CHIRON fusion means the lines of communication to our ‘friends’ in the higher astral realms – be they ‘angels’, ‘spirit guides’ or ‘messengers of the light’ become open for those who are consciously calling for guidance. In this sense, there is inner guidance for us to see, receive and transmit messages that have a deeper more profound meaning.

However, spiritual forces that pervade the mind, guiding it so that communication eventually becomes full, open, and clear is not necessarily a consensual process.

With PLUTO in sextile (Wednesday), the potential to become coerced into ways and means that press us to heal all breakdowns in communication can be uncomfortable for many. There is an overwhelming pressure to be understood and to understand what is happening on this planet on levels that are much deeper than we are ready (or willing) to understand. Either way, great transformation is happening in various ways as we come into more intense communication with one another.

Leading into Sunday’s Full Moon (22°♍13′), MERCURY’s square to SATURN causes a rift between being those trying to argue for separation and limitation and those speaking from a higher-guided place – one that is divinely simple and profoundly targets exactly what needs to be said for the purposes of healing and restoration of some clarity and sanity in our lives.

As we expect, the dense, rigidly held together 3D world of SATURN is seething over with frustrations and limitations, disgruntled by any connection to spiritual sources which provide us with the exact information and ideas we need to further our evolution.

Maintaining an air of neutrality on this ‘baggage-free’ bus journey will provide us with the express-ability to focus with depth and clarity on those thoughts and ideas which will not only remedy our current, very perplexing situation, but pave the way to creating a whole new mode of healing for the entire planet.

[continued here….]