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It appears like so much is happening, so much change, events unfolding in ways we would never have imagined, would never believe. The world around us is in a swirl. A maelstrom. And in the centre of it all, is you.
Time to slow down and just… breathe. As the Taurus Moon gets into position to align with the Taurus Sun, there is a feeling of simplicity dawning. Enough with the jazz. Let the music stop… (just for a moment) Listen. Do you hear that? It’s the birds singing. They were there all along, just got drowned out by the city noise. Funny, because this is what happens when we become ‘civilised’. We cease to hear nature; we can’t smell a thing; we see little of what’s here before us because we’re always looking for something else; we eat so fast we forget to taste; and feel? We feel nothing. Nothing but the pain. “Civilised” The word ‘civilised’ comes from ‘civil’ which means ‘of the city’. ‘Civil ‘means ‘good’. It means one who has become capable of living in a city; who has become capable of being a member of a group, of a society. To do this means to align to a structure. Enter Saturn. Saturn is the edge of reality – it brings in the force of limitation. It is the voice of the parent, the voice of the society, culture, civilisation; the voice that makes you capable of living in a world where you are not alone, where there are many individuals with conflicting ambitions, where there is much struggle for survival, where there is much conflict. You have to pave your path, and you have to move very cautiously. But what happens when the city get too big? When we have no room left to pave our way? When we reach the limits of our civilisation? When caution become tiresome? When the city noise just drowns out every sensation that you cannot see, nor hear, nor smell, taste, feel? Who are you then? Are you still civilised? Are you still a good citizen? What are you if you are in every sense disconnected from your senses – only an organism that is playing very well along with the structures imposed by its society? So many questions. Everything grows to the point where it can grow no more. It reaches the limits of its potential. We see this coming with Saturn in Sagittarius. By the time Kronos moves out of Sadge (Dec 2017), there will be no room to move. When Saturn finally moves into its domicile, Capricorn, it will be a time of realising our limitations. But ‘civilisation’ is already taking its toll. As we are seeing, Saturn’s squares, to both Jupiter (teacher of worldly wisdom, experience, growth and prosperity) and Neptune (mystic of otherworldly wisdom, fantasy, spirituality) is not really sitting well with all the learned and the sensitively attuned. Both those types who are into worldly or spiritual growth are feeling a little like the over-expanding structure it crowding them. In fact, since Saturn has already reached the half-way point (15°♐), we may have noticed a lot of the wiser folks have already left town. As the squares turn into Grand Cross (with the June 5 new moon in Gemini), we’ll see exactly how intensely painful it becomes to stay civilised. Not just if you belong to to the worldly or otherworldly groups, but since the new moon is a most personally intimate point, the impact of this very limiting effect upon our senses and our sensibilities will be phenomenal. So how to prepare now? Ok, this Taurus New Moon is a good nudge. A very good little marker. We need to come to ground. Go somewhere. Maybe outside, out of town if necessary. Sit. Reconnect with nature. Come back into the body. Observe what you sense. Own it. Are you connected to yourself, or are you pressed by the parental voice to “get back to reality, you have stuff to do”? In this moment of peace and centeredness, ask yourself. What’s driving you? Is it an exterior pressure? If so, it is going to get far more intense. It’s going to appeal to your sense of guilt, obligation, fear and shame. To the point where you feel like life has no longer any meaning and there’s no escape. This becomes depression. Enter the Grand Mutable Cross This is an extremely dynamic and balanced formation that comprises of two oppositions and four squares, no less than six hard aspects at once and its rare occurrence (last one in April 2014 – Cardinal) signals great tension, pressing/prodding energy, goading us to extreme actions, stressful events urging attention, throwing us into a state of constant adaptation, change and and evolution. Depression is the feeling that you are in an awfully bleak place, unable to construct a future for yourself. This dynamic sees a real atomic war between Saturn (limitation), squaring (hindering) both Jupiter (growth) and Neptune (escape) and opposing (denying expression) to the Gemini New moon/Venus (harmonious co-ordination between the spirit and emotion, complete and unconditional love). Much is coming to be faced, and in a rare moment where we are all at odds with our methods of communication, currency flow, understanding and resolution (mutability), we may find that so much disagreement only leads to one thing: Making entirely brand new agreements. A new understanding about the currency that is passed between us. An evolution in how we exchange energy and its condensed form (matter). For now, in preparation, let’s bring ourselves to a place where we can anticipate this. Let us use this New Moon to become grounded. Here is your horoscope (and intention) for this Taurus New Moon. Please stay tuned for more updates leading up to this event, much pressure will grow in the next month, so stay grounded. Many Blessings, and enjoy this New Moon Ang x © All rights reserved, Ang Stoic 2016 |