![[pic: joel sossa]](https://angstoic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/joel-sossa-07.jpg)
What does all that mean? Now that Jupiter is direct again, get set to see it in practice:
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Jupiter represents the urge to grow and expand. He represents the quest for higher knowledge, ethics, wisdom and justice, as well as the moral and religious outlook we take in life.
We all develop a code by which to live in this world, and Jupiter is the force that makes that happen. Integrating our knowledge and information into a greater understanding, we develop a certain concept or philosophy about life. It is the getting of wisdom, the growth within that when applied without manifests into growth, prosperity and worldly success. Personal confidence, contentment and harmony with nature, strong career vision, understanding of law & religion, higher education, social popularity are all a result of a well-functioning Jupiter.
A weak or challenged Jupiter could manifest as an amoral character, one given to blind excesses, pleasure-seeking, choosing to ignore one’s place in the greater scheme of things. Troubles can arise through leading an unprincipled, poorly cultured, lawless existence, where a pursuit of simply materialistic pleasures may amount to crude, arrogant, unjust, greedy, immoral or just downright quarrelsome behaviour.
When Jupiter entered in Virgo on August 12 2015, he promised us an upgrade in all our moral and ethical areas, as well as an opportunity to become better organised.
Injecting a tremendous sense of sound, earthy, practical ambition to improve ourselves and others there is an urge now to learn as well as an ability to teach others. Ultimately, by the time Jupiter leaves Virgo (Sept 11 2016) many of us will learn the value of working with others in teams.
In the highest sense, an increased sense of discernment grows within all of us. Discernment is actually a skill that, when applied successfully, allows us to choose more beneficial relationships, be more selective with how we administer our resources (time, money, energies, etc.) helping us to manage our practical affairs more effectively.
Of course, taken to excess, this can just develop into pedantry or superficial criticism and damned impossibility to work with.
So then, what are the strengths and pitfalls of this immensely benefic force? Here is a brief guide:
This is really the time to really fine-tune your health and fitness regime.
Chances are likely that you might easily have pushed yourself a bit too hard, having built up a lot of tension and heat inside your physical body. If your body has been a candle burning at both ends (not unlikely with frenetic Uranus in your sign these past few years) then it is wise to pull all your attention into a regular fitness regime.
Focus your efforts on a program that helps unleash your anger issues and also allows you to clean up your act, particularly cleansing your liver (which stores much of this heat). You may employ a personal trainer or coach, or someone who can introduce you and instruct you towards a full reconstructive regime to improve your nutrition, diet, overall well-being.
Similarly, greater opportunities arise at work to learn new skills as well as learn to work better along alongside others. Improved relations with fellow workers could offer a very soothing way to overcome any recent personal upsets in your world. Also, if you a leader or an employer yourself, this is a good change toe to expand or improve the performance of your own employee base.
Remain mindful that in all practical affairs you are contributing towards a higher cause. Exercising a moral judgement in even the littlest of things, you will release a lot of raw, unburnt energy and benefit yourself and others in ways which you could never even imagine.
Yeah, the push to have fun, to be in love and to be loved and stroked – that yearning hunger to be wanted and to want so much to touch and be touched could see you sending all your hopes and dreamy reveries of romance down the river of no return.
Best thing right now is not to dream away your most creative prodigy and to hone in and specialise that into something far more functional, something that others can actually use.
Activities like working with kids (or even adults), teaching them to work on themselves, imparting methods and techniques which can improve their health and fitness, not only on the physical level but somehow also incorporating a more spiritual, holistic approach into activities normally only associated with having a good time.
The rigorous urgency to sort out your home turf, to create a sacred place where you can comfortably rest your weary mind – a place which is more than just an ideal but rather something that literally aspires to the old proverb of “cleanliness is next to godliness”.
Indeed, the holy sanctity of your private abode as ‘temple’ to ‘hold space’ affords not only you the privilege to cleanse your own self but to also grant those closest to you permission to trust their own intuition and wisdom; to become spiritually restored and reinforced; become empowered enough to create a fresh container for complex emotions, fear, trauma, etc. to flow into and be cleared away.
Allow yourself to make different decisions now – ones that come deep from inside your instinctive self. Decisions that will ultimately avert you from feeling misguided or confused and open you up to experiences that you would otherwise never even imagine possible.
Oh yeah, remember to keep your big old ego out of your home affairs.
The mind cranks into a clamouring potpourri of thoughts and ideas, a veritable hothouse of mental activity which can indeed be difficult to fuse and relate into a larger, more cohesive concept, one that’s aligned to a more vital, all-inclusive bigger picture.
Of course it’s difficult to piece together and actually believe in something that would otherwise seem completely abstract and absurd, especially when your amazing mind becomes so hyper-actively caught up in its own pedantic analysis of even the simplest situation – but think.
Think hard.
You need some perspective on things. And mostly this implies that you suspend your thinking altogether and surrender your individual-minded processes in deference to the higher cause – a more collective vision.
Could you do that?
Or are you just being either confused or being misled by the effluence of opinions and advice of others? Maybe it is a time of caution in that regard.
A holiday might come to mind…
However, opening your skilful mind to receive true alternatives to your often well compartmentalised and well-sourced & referenced views is the only sure way to grow and learn from this whole process. In particular, accepting the very soulful purpose that you have been chosen to discern and to communicate to all of us upon this mortal plane, how on earth it is that we are going to sort ourselves out of this collective mess that lies ahead and stand together to make things good again.
An over-extension of your limited resources (or cash) can be a double-edged sword, mostly because your natural response could be to pull back on spending and get all mean-fisted with those purse-strings.
So needless to say, if you waste your money on frivolities one day, then the next, deprive yourself of the bare essentials, things aren’t going to earn you the respect and importance you so sorely want.
The big lesson here is going to be how best to manage your material vestments to get maximum bang for your buck. Cultivating a more efficient system of generating an income is gonna have to be high on your agenda. Enough of this prancing about, from one thing to another. It’s time that all of this charade finally paid off. Can’t just squander yourself away any more. It may be noble, but it isn’t wise.
Remember, spending without proper accountability can be reckless venture. As much as you might believe in the cause of helping others, it is important to understand how others need to help back, and this is is the time to be more discerning about who to help, and how to get the best back from those you do.
Investing into the wrong areas can leave you, or that other party in a depleted state. Also, be careful of sowing your wild oats too widely – costly consequences could ensue if your go poking around in places simply for your selfish physical or sexual gratification. Not prudent, just wise.
The trick is going to be how best to curb the current tendency to get excited, over-confident and thus overextend or exaggerate your self-importance or those superior skills and dexterous abilities of yours.
Conceitedness is not a very sexy quality.
Others may immediately pick up on your overtly polymathic personality as being a bit too full of yourself, either becoming turned off and disappearing without reason, or somehow managing to outplay you by baiting or confounding you in some sly and surreptitious way.
Either way, you could end up feeling undermined or disillusioned with others in your attempt to do good upon the earth. In truth others are only trying to disarm and diffuse your enormous ego. Don’t take it too personally – learn and crop back the hubris.
This is a time when you can focus your superlative skills or knowledge into more practical areas of your relationships, lend partnership to others who will quickly find very good application for your unique brand of talents, helping develop and expand these very special techniques and unique processes into a greater process altogether.
As long as you are aware of yourself, you will not feel exploited.
In fact, finding an outlet through someone who can assist you to connect into a vision higher than yourself is what it’s all about. Not only will this breathe some spiritual purpose into everything that you already stand for, but it ultimately helps them others to realise that with the right amount of effort, dreams really can come true.
Just when you needed a little lift, just when you thought the gods have neglected you and turned the other way….
…angels do appear.
It seems like you are being watched, and protected, like there is a small, spiritual team of servicemen working high in the ether, seeing that you have the right amount of help at your disposal, just at the right time.
This may mirror in your real-world relationships, or these ‘spirit guides’ may be working through a real person/s.
Right now this may be very obviously someone who appears like a spirit guru, holy guide, and working with you actually helps you to process the pain or loss you have to clear so that you can make ready for your big renunciation (one day…).
Rejoice, reclaim, regenerate your love.
(And try not to get too trashed doing that..)
After the drudgery of the last few years where Saturn transited your sign, things are actually looking up for you, and the passing of Jupiter through your 11th house is a sign that you are now starting to experience more frequent patches of bright blue skies.
It’s time to understand that you can accomplish anything, so long as you accept the responsibilities that go along with it. The trick here is to be utterly shrewd, as shrewd as even you can be, and sometimes downright ruthless in the way that you can execute restraint, both in your spending of resources, and in your devotion to anyone who seems only here to be wasting your time.
The trick now is to aim for less, and do what has to be done rather than simply just talk about it. The future is yours for the taking. Use it well or make it a stated point that you are purposely dismissing it in place of acting only in the now.
No such thing as ‘luck’ or ‘accidents’, all things are totally at your command.
Yep. We’re at the business end of things sweetheart…
Funny, because now everybody’s watching you, looking for direction, lol. And you’re thinking… what? who me??
Ok, the thing is that deep down you’re not even sure yourself that you can really steer this ship, what, with your past tendency to sail into the Caribbean and be a pirate or take an adventurous leave of absence with this whole stupid world.
But hey,, no…
With Saturn in your first house, this is time to get serious and show some fortitude, some faith, consistency, re-sponse-ability…
Come, come. Be all serious-like. The world is watching, waiting for a sign, some guidance, direction. Time to get real with it and lead the way.
Ever get the feeling that you’ve been duped? Like everything they ever taught you in Sunday school didn’t amount to half the stuff you could have learned had you skipped out and loused around with all those naughty heathen kids? Imagine – them all playing down by the river and you stuck inside, learning the practical know-how on God etc on those finely wasted Sunday mornings…
Sure, you can argue that, in spite of all your deep, inherent scepticism, your religious faith was more just a matter of meeting cultural or family obligations. However, it has served you well because you have learned the laws of discretion and discernment, which have worked well towards qualifying you to mix it with other respectable members of society…
Bah.. who are we really fooling now? Looking back at all those hours of youth, wasted in bible class when everyone else was living it up, makes you a tad upset and now it’s time to just get even, damn it, get some back and just reclaim a piece of your own youth and exercise the right to express your own true beliefs.
Time to go tell them all where to stick their crucifix, and start to repossess yourself away from any phoney gods, become your own personal Jesus and start singing from your very own handwritten hymn book, shooting smartly from out of your hip-suede pocket.
Err… just a warning…
Nah… nevermind. Just have fun with it.
This is all about better economic management really, not necessarily of your own affairs but those involving the resources of others. In fact, isn’t it funny, that when delving into matters in which other entrust you on a most intimate level, that you take a very methodical approach, a very exacting, clinical, bookish style which complies perfectly with your inner geekish nature.
Well, that’s the theory anyway.
In truth, you might be finding that if you’ve been a bit sloppy with taking care of others’ business that cost could be… well… costly.
You might find that with all this excessive confidence about, that there’s been a tendency to stretch things a bit too thin. Not to assume you have over-reached, but just be mindful that your own elated, often quite utopian values do not conflict with the more parsimonious standards imposed on you by others.
It’s easy. Just don’t assume any liberties with other peoples’ stuff and you will be fine. And avoid making unreasonable expectations.
Also, this is not the time to secretly extrude funds from others to justify your higher causes or feed your personal fancies and predilections. Make this a time for cleaning up any unhealthy or unsavoury hang-ups, neglects and addictions that feed on a supply of resources from others.
Be a more careful manager and you will thrive.
The support is all there to ‘get it right’ where significant liaisons with others are concerned, particularly with those who become closest in alignment, either with or against you.
Essentially, anyone who comes into your world is seeking something very particular from you. Yes, they want something, something very specific.
Much as you may rail against becoming too tied down, or being defined by anyone who comes into your life, the reality becomes that eventually someone is going to come along who is truly capable of totally ‘working you out’.
Even if, by their analytical assessment, your whole entire existence is merely figment of your own imagination, and there’s nothing really of any ‘real’ value that you are contributing. One way or another, you know that you are much more than anything they could ever even begin to describe.
In actual truth you are the dream, and it is mostly because of you that life generally has much more meaning. Not just to that one who seems most puzzled and fascinated by you, but to all of us.
Give generously of that, even when it seems that is is being overlooked or criticised as being of little (or no) use at all.
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