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Sunday, April 17
Venus (14°♈ 01’) Quincunx Jupiter (14°♍ 01’)
Compounding the dilemmas around making value decisions on material investments and other bonding relationships this week, the magic formula this week may be to defer any decisions that press you to choose which way you are going to proceed, particularly those inspired by hasty, emotional whims.
Venus in Aries does get excited, particularly on offers that seem too good to be true, but the road ahead might just be testing you, leaving you stranded if you jumped into something without considering the tedious work involved, especially if what you went with requires settling into a practical routine.
Be cautious (look at the long-term prospects) before saying “I do” to anything.
Mercury (17°Tau 29’) Trine Pluto (17°Cap 29’)
Time for a bit of research and analysis into the situation. Deeper probing reveals much more about the inherent responsibilities behind what we choose to invest in. You might realise that what appears on the surface to be materially sound, somehow alluring and charming, yet full of all kinds of hidden or repressed psychological/emotionally barbs. On closer inspection, these could leave you with more than you bargained for.
Proceed with caution and sensitivity, too much probing may cause suspicion or resentment.
Mars Stations to Retrograde at 8°♐54′ (17 Apr – 29 Jun)
When Mars turns retrograde, it turns its energies inwards, reflecting back on events or incidents where the warrior within feels like it has failed to protect or defend us appropriately at the heat of the moment. Feeling it has sublimated, twisted, distorted, denied or betrayed the best interests of the self, the retrograde can be an interesting journey as Mars seeks to make amends (any way it can) in order to gain reconnection to the Higher Self. (full article on this topic here)
Monday, April 18
Pluto Stations to Retrograde at 17°♑29 (18 Apr – 26 Sep)
Turning inward on our deepest, darkest, most repressed power source, we’re able to come in contact with a part of ourselves that is so essentially light, that we would hardly believe it. Lots of things are going to end during these next months.
They have to. The building pressure is enormous.
Such is the level of corruption and manipulation still endemic in our world, both personally and collectively. Yet Pluto’s retrograde sees us become obsessively concerned with transformations within ourselves rather than all the futile attempts of trying to reform the outer world. In truth, this time will spur a lot of soul searching in so many until we come to critical consensus that our issue with society, government and the patriarchy actually spawns from our dysfunctional relationship to our own paternal parenting models. Addressing these will put much light on how we can eliminate the darkness we see plaguing the earth at the moment. How exactly we do this remains the greatest mystery yet, but that is what this period of deep inner probing is really all about.
Pluto Trine Vesta
Spiritual convictions become intense and passionate now, and commitment to come down to earth is unwavering. Personal sacrifices in our quest for power through status and career must be made for the sake of our beliefs.
It’s either celibacy or sacred union may be an integral part of the practice. A deep penetration into the pits of human experience and psychological awareness will help conjure the powerful transformation necessary. The spiritual journey, and its fearless pursuit of truth enables us to deal with issues of abuse, obsession and addiction and atoning into passionate devotion enhances and empowers many.
Sun (28°Ari 55’) Sesquiquadrate Jupiter (13°Vir 55’℞)
Things seem to occur in threes once they begin showing up. Various problem-solving techniques can be adopted if they have been carefully ingrained through spaced, repetitive training or teaching. Beware not to take things to far, particularly ‘victories’ – desire to go for ‘one more win’ may bring a string of many failures. Learn to quit while on top. Even the luckiest person eventually loses a toss of the dice.
Venus (15°Ari 56’) Trine Saturn (15° Sag 56’℞)
Time to truly value what is inspiring and true for you as practical and useful. It’s easier to enjoy the work and responsibilities around something, knowing it can help you to achieve considerable success because you are comfortable and at ease with the practical effort that is required to maintain it. This includes certain relationships, and you might find you are adept at handling difficult people in situations which may have previously been challenging.
Tuesday, April 19
Sun Enters Taurus ( 19 Apr – 20 May)
The month ahead is all about pacing ourselves, or at least that’s the prevailing atmosphere. Making it work and being sure that it’s going to deliver. Not getting sidetracked or distracted from our objective, is the common wisdom. “Keep it simple, sometimes” should be the motto for this time. Of course, doing that without getting bored may be a problem. Finding pleasure, beauty and appreciation in the common elements is the key with Taurus, and achievements must be sure and steady.
Mercury (19°Taurus 48’) Trine Node (19°Virgo 48’)
Definitely a time to tune into the messages that are coming through for us now. What do you hear? Are you seeing through into the heart of what things are trying to tell you? Messages coming through from others seem to have a special undertone from the spirit world. It is as if your angels are strategically leaving signs for you to follow in making better, more positive decisions for yourself, possibly by introducing you to contacts that may somehow be of benefit. Eyes and ears peeled.
Venus (17° in Aries 29’) Square Pluto (17° Capricorn 29’℞)

Yes, it may be deliciously enticing to want to satisfy our intrigue into the personal secrets, deepest feelings and strangest expressions of passion of someone, but it might just be smart to also keep your own things pleasantly superficial and comfortable, keeping your own secrets safely out of sight. Careful what you bargain for when playing those kind of games, where the power is all in one party’s hands.
A possessive or intrusive lover could make you uneasy this week, and some difficult choices may have to be made regarding what level of depth and vulnerability you are willing to accept and reciprocate. This could come down to how much intimacy you wish to share.
Psychic boundaries must be watched.
Wednesday, April 20
Sun (00° Taurus 51’) Sesquiquadrate Saturn (15° Sagittarius 51’℞)
Sometimes you wake up to realise that the usual services or benefits are being so regularly curtailed, that you can only be left to feel slighted when your demands are not met as you might have anticipated. Making a deliberate and determined choice, you can now display the wisdom to abandon any futile struggle before being completely defeated or exhausted. It is possible you may be sensing an ever present threat of being manipulated by others out of selfish motives for money or power. Perhaps you are doing this to someone. It’s a rude awakening, anyhow.
Thursday, April 21
Venus (19° Aries 42’) Quincunx Node (19° Virgo 42)
Sometimes you must realise too, that not everyone in your life was there to bring you peace and pleasure, and graciously accept that you may never, ever get along amicably with that neighbour. You may choose to co-exist, albeit with a little uneasiness, but if you work at it, there are positive gifts of inspiration there, higher than you might imagine.
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Juno
Tough choices to be made regarding how to best attain the personal growth and healing you need within the confines and demands of a ‘marriage’ type of commitment.
Opening to alternative ideas of healing, and the nature of reality, your spiritual perceptions can leave you in serious discord with the principles of working through the traditional relationship. This is not a time to make absolute ultimatums. You will come to realise, and hopefully not the hard way, that it’s possible to create a life that includes both sacred commitment to another and fruitful personal unfoldment. This may not be easy to achieve, but just know that any true effort will help to deepen and strengthen your experience of a meaningful marriage and life.
Full Moon (2° Scorpio 31’)
A Scorpio Moon activates our need for survival by making a distinct, vested interest in this world. Whether we find security by applying our clever ability to manage the resources of another, either by employing our adept control and manipulation over what others value most, or by using our instincts to estimate others’ net worth with hope to transform that into something that benefits us, we exercise our uncanny knack to bring change through perseverance, survival instinct and determination.
In Full Moon mode, it is the realisation that we have somehow come to the end with all this business. The message is that we have got the most out of our investment – we have either achieved the alchemical process or the well of prosperity has run dry. In any case – the transformation of matter into spirit is complete. What comes out of it, especially with a semi-square to Saturn, becomes a major learning.
Do we have a complete assurance in our innate abilities to survive using our instincts, or are we thrown into doubt and fear about what may come to be? Change seems to be heading in a new direction.
More on this powerful lunation in a special article from me during the week.
Saturday, April 23
Venus Conjunction Uranus (21° Aries 11’)
Usually in sequential order to earlier transits to Pluto, where there is substantial intensity being applied things will come to want a break for freedom. Such is the case now with Venus, our expression of what we desire for pleasure, peace and acceptance, and it if we cannot find it in those very heavy, conditional agreements to hold fast to something or someone, then guess what? Time to bust loose…
All sorts of behaviour to indicate that we want to do it OUR way, when it comes to things we love. Now that is either going to bring a tremendous amount of presence and delight into our affairs, or we could experience what most would identify as upsets or disruptions. The keywords in surviving this without a fall are flexibility, originality in our approach and an anticipation to stay with the moment, expecting only the unique and unexpected.
Sunday, April 24
Sun (4° Taurus 33’) Sesquiquadrate Node (19° Virgo 33’)
Always, when the Sun contacts the nodes, it is a signal to look at what is coming through the ethers, through the spirit world and into being, right there in front of us to pass on any ‘reminders’. Contacts with others, those who may come to shine upon us, or who ask us to shine our own light is some unique, remarkable way are possibly around. Look for their messages.
Venus (23° Aries 34’) Sesquiquadrate Mars (8° Sagittarius 34’℞)
After the recent trine between these two star-crossed lovers, the retrograde Mars (masculine) retraces some of his indiscrete activity to come face to face with his disappointments. If there has been a tendency to fall in and out of love quickly, it has been due to a premature declaration of affections. Lessons to be taken in, to be learned.
This combination asks whether we have pledged our sweet affections to someone/something too easily, more out of personal insecurity rather than any true appreciation for their recipient.